Our Company
skincarebd.com is a Korean Cosmetics & skin care products importer and retailer company. Our company is located in Bangladesh and has been known for one of the best Korean cosmetic & Skin Care Products sellers. Our goal is to provide you with a wide range of Korean cosmetic products from the world’s leading Korean beauty. The products we stock in our warehouse and also listed on our website are guaranteed genuine. We are well aware of the growth of counterfeit products out in the market. And because of this, we believe it is our mission to deliver you genuine, good quality products while giving our trust to you by providing the quality service you need and deserve. As a result, we only stock recently manufactured products as we purchase directly from Korean official retail shops and brand manufacturers. We hope your visit will not be the last and we look forward to serving you!
“To provide customers with an exciting shopping experience, superior service and a fine selection of Authentic Korean Cosmetics & Skin Care Products.”
Our Team
Our company consists of three departments: A- Shipping, B- Sales, C- Customer Service. Each one of the members strives hard to provide the best service and quality of products to our customers.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at: skicarebd.com@gmail.com
Thanks for reading this and we’ll keep up doing our best to serve you.
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